News | June 19th, 2015
LNLS becomes an accredited supplier of the BNDES card

Small and medium companies now can pay for the use of research stations with easy conditions

Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) has just become one of the accredited suppliers for the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) and now is able to receive for services through BNDES card. It works as a credit card and allows that individual microentrepreneurs (MEIs) and also micro, small and medium companies (MPMEs) pay for the use of experimental stations (known as beamlines) with easy payment conditions.

The resource is especially relevant for making it easier the access of the micro, small and medium companies to the scientific infrastructure available in the LNLS synchrotron light source. “The initiative stimulates the investment in research and development and the consequent innovation in products and services for the Brazilian companies” points out José Antônio Calzavara Lemos, Innovation Coordinator of LNLS.

The use of BNDES card allows the financing of products and services in until 48 months, with interest rates below the ones practiced by the market. The limit for credit through BNDES is of R$ 1 million and the benefits to be paid are all equal and fixed. However, to have access to the benefit, the BNDES card portal must accredit these companies as buyers, besides of having annual gross revenue until R$ 90 million.


New photoelectron spectroscopy station is suitable for analysis of the electronic structure of materials

Jessica Oliveira and Willian Takemitsu had their posters awarded during the AutoOrg Conference