
The IMBUIA Group is responsible for the management and operation of the IMBUIA beamline of the synchrotron light source Sirius, at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS).

The IMBUIA beamline will be dedicated to infrared (IR) micro and nano-spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation combined with laser sources in the energy range of 70 to 400 meV (564 to 3226 cm$^{-1}$) and applied in the multidisciplinary study of materials.

The group is also dedicated to the design of advanced sample environments and to providing post-processing interfaces for hyperspectral FTIR data. In addition, the group works on the study of nanophotonic properties of quantum materials based on few atomic layers (2D materials), and on the development of the scattering-type near-field optical microscopy technique (s-SNOM) and its application in multidisciplinary areas, such as nanobiology, new energetic materials and nanopharmacology.

Imbuia Beamline

IMBUIA (Infrared Multiscale Beamline for Ultra-resolved Imaging Applications) is a beamline dedicated to experiments in micro and nano-infrared spectroscopy in the medium IR range. These experiments allow for compositional analysis of virtually any material and are essential for the research in new materials, with emphasis on biological and synthetic materials.


Raul de O. Freitas
Leader Researcher
+55 19 3517 5060