News | September 18th, 2015
SAU Online: New Portal For Users

Proposal submission should be done until September 30th through the new portal

We are proud to announce the launching of a new portal for CNPEM users – SAU Online, initially released for LNLS beamlines users. Starting from the next proposal submission period, SAU Online will become the privileged interface between the LNLS management and the synchrotron user community.

In addition to the Research proposal submission process, the portal is intended to be the interface for giving Feedback on infrastructure and services, to submit Experimental reports and to update Publications using the LNLS beamlines.

The proposal submission process for LNLS beamlines has two steps: User Registration and Research Proposal submission.

User Registration: at the first access, the user will be asked to provide personal and professional pieces of information that may be updated at any time.

Research Proposal submission: registered users are able to submit proposals going through the SAU Online portal.

Through this announcement, we would like to ask all of you willing to participate in a proposal and/or to be part of the synchrotron user community to visit the SauOnline portal and to Register as a New User.

To access the new portal, please go to the following link: https://sauonline.lnls.br/

Further, we wish to inform you that the LNLS proposal submission period will be from the 1st to the 30th of September. Therefore, the next LNLS proposal submission deadline will be the 30th of September 2015 at midnight.

We look forward to have all of you using the SAU Online portal. Any feedback is welcome.


For the first time, prize goes to a Latin American researcher

FAPESP and FINEP are selecting proposals of companies interested in developing components for the new light source