Chemistry Laboratory (LQ)

In the Chemistry Laboratory, internal and external users will find at their disposal suitable supplies and infrastructure for handling chemical reagents and/or samples, and some sample characterization techniques.


Coordination: Simone B. Betim
Tel.: +55 19 3518 3181
E-mail: simone.betim@lnls.br

Click here  for more information on this Facility team.


  • To access the Chemistry Laboratory (LQ), it is mandatory to wear a long sleeve apron and safety glasses (PPE – Personal Protective Equipment). In addition to the PPE, it is mandatory to have the appropriate clothing (long trousers and closed-toe shoes).
  • To handle chemical reagents, the use of nitrile gloves (blue color) is mandatory, as they have greater chemical resistance.
  • Do not answer the phone or touch the door handles, face, and hair while wearing gloves. When touching a piece of equipment, computer keyboard, and/or the mouse, clean everything carefully with paper with ethyl alcohol (ethanol) after finishing the activities.
  • Do not move from place to place wearing gloves. Gloves must be used exclusively within laboratories.
  • Consider all chemical reagents as “hazardous” and refer to the Chemicals Information Sheet (MSDS). Read carefully the instructions contained in the product’s MSDS and observe the safety information indicated on the product label.
  • Take to the experimental stations (beamlines) only what is necessary to carry out the experiments, according to the descriptions in the Experiment Identification Form (SAFETY SAMPLE, DEFAULTS AND ROUTINES).
  • If it is necessary to bring reagents to the beamlines, the person responsible for the proposal must declare the need in the Safety Data Sheet (SAU ONLINE). After approval by the Safety Committee, the reagent can be taken to the installation in a small bottle, duly identified and sealed according to the guidelines of the chemist responsible for the LQ and of the internal safety standards.
  • Handle toxic and/or volatile samples and reagents only in the fume hoods provided in the LQ.
  • Before preparing and mixing solutions and samples, check the chemical compatibility between reagents.
  • Label any sample, chemical reagent, and/or prepared solution (readable description of the content, name of the responsible person, date, and beamline).
  • Store samples and reagents in the LQ only during the experiment period. After the experiments are over, the researcher is responsible for the materials.
  • Label waste according to Standard 04/2005.
  • Maintain the LQ in operational conditions, ensuring the organization and internal rules of operation in accordance with safety guidelines and recommendations.
  • Locate the nearest fire extinguishers and, in case of doubt, request the advice of the Safety Team (SESMT) or the Fire Brigade.
  • Do not eat and/or drink in laboratories and experimental stations (beamlines). Food and beverages are prohibited within the LQ and in other areas with chemical reagents and samples. At CNPEM, there are appropriate places for storing food and having meals, ask for directions.
  • Report any accident or irregularity to the Safety Team.