Timbó Beamline

The Timbó1 (Tender x-ray coherent IMaging Beamline for ex-vivo Organs and tissues) beamline will be dedicated to ex-vivo micro and nanotomographic X-ray imaging of organs and tissues. It will enable diffractive X-ray imaging in 3D using homogeneous illumination with coherent X-rays in the energy range of 2-20 keV, in holographic and far-field modes. The beamline will operate with a cone beam, with a field of view (FOV) of 10 x 10 mm², for high-resolution imaging at 10 x 10 mm², depending on the distance between the sample and the detector.

1The Timbó beamline is part of the second phase of the Sirius project, which was included in the Growth Acceleration Program (Novo PAC) and will be funded by resources from the FNDCT/MCTI. The plan announced by the Federal Government foresees investments of R$ 800 million over the next four years for the second phase of the Sirius project. This includes the design and construction of ten new research stations, including technical and building infrastructure, in addition to the continuous optimization of electron accelerators. Learn more.


Facility E-mail: timbo@lnls.br