The Computing Platforms (COMP) group is responsible for operating, maintaining and evolving the computing infrastructure used for control, monitoring, data acquisition and data processing at Sirius accelerators and beamlines, providing virtualization services, container orchestration, configuration management and provisioning to its users. The group is responsible for managing the TEPUI (Throughput Enhanced Processing Unit), an HPC (High Performance Computing) infrastructure for scientific use by Sirius’s user community. TEPUI is composed of CPU and GPU clusters as well as high-volume high-throughput storage infrastructure for processing and storing scientific data, used via submission of processing jobs within time periods granted to scientific research proposals developed at Sirius.
The COMP group works closely with LNLS software teams and the CNPEM Information Technology Division to offer a reliable and efficient operation of Sirius’s computing facilities with outstanding user experience. To this end, the group develops systems and tools to automate the continuous integration and deployment of the computing services it provides.