The first edition of ‘’Groundwater Remediation using Nano/biotechnology with focus on the Contaminated Resources in Brazil’’ (GRUN) will be held on June, 24th and 25th
The workshop on Groundwater Remediation using Nano/biotechnology with focus on the Contaminated Resources in Brazil (GRUN) is jointly organized by Teesside University (UK) and the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS/CNPEM). This event will be held from June 24th and 25th, 2019, at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), in Campinas, SP.
This workshop will be the first event in Brazil focusing on the use of metal nanoparticles for in-situ degradation of groundwater contaminates. The conference will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and engineers to collectively explore how these technological advances can be applied to Brazilian groundwater systems.
On June 26th an extra hands-on course will be offered exclusively to 20 participants based on selection by the Organizing Committee.
Registration period: March 27th to April 15th
Selection of applicants: April 22nd
Registration Fee Payment period: April 22nd to 30th
Learn more on the website:
New Brazilian synchrotron light source will allow unprecedented experiments benefitting many fields
The 10th Workshop on Infrared Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Accelerator Based Sources will be held September 23rd-27th