News | April 8th, 2022
Registrations are open to the 2nd CEDRO Workshop

Registrations are open until 30 May.

Registrations with contributions are open to the second edition of CEDRO Workshop – Brazilian Workshop on Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism. The event is promoted by LNLS/CNPEM in hybrid mode on 23-24 June, 2022.

The CEDRO Workshop aims to bring specialists in synchrotron radiation circular dichroism to highlight the use advantages of this technique to analyze structural features of the biomolecules, and other applications. In addition, the goal is presenting the CEDRO beamline in assembling phase at Sirius, attracting potential users to create a SRCD community in Brazil and Latin America.

The abstract contribution is open until 10 May, 2022. Registrations are open until 30 May, 2022.

To register and submit, access the website.


The submission of abstracts is until 9 May.

Agreement will speed up the exchange of knowledge about techniques and uses of synchrotron light between researchers from Brazil and Canada