Machine Advisory Committee

The Machine Advisory Committee (MAC) comprises international experts from large synchrotron facilities, which meet regularly to review the development, commissioning, and operation of the Sirius accelerators.


The Committee is composed of the following members:

Bob Hettel (Chair) Argonne National Laboratory USA
David Robin Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory USA
Hamed Tarawneh MAX IV Laboratory Sweden
Joel Chavanne European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) France
Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie Synchrotron SOLEIL France
Nadji Amor Synchrotron SOLEIL France
Pedro Tavares MAX IV Laboratory Sweden
Peter Kuske Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin Germany
Qing Qin European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) France
Zhentang Zhao SINAP China