Information for Industrial Users

Synchrotron light is an ally of the global industry and has already benefited the development of numerous products. It has been used in the development of more durable, resistant and cheap batteries for electric cars, cell phones and laptops and for the development of new semiconductors, capable of increasing the efficiency of organic solar cells for energy production electrical.

Many of the largest US companies have used synchrotron light in their products. Exxon Mobil, Chevron, General Electric, Ford, HP, GM, IBM, Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Novartis, Intel and 3M are among these companies. In Brazil, companies such as Vale, Braskem, Petrobras and Oxiteno also sought in the synchrotron light support for the solution of sophisticated technological challenges.

The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) has highly qualified human resources and a unique infrastructure in Latin America. It makes the Laboratory capable of meeting the needs of the business sector in research, development and innovation in many different areas such as agriculture and food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, chemicals and petrochemicals.

LNLS builds different types of interactions with the productive sector to help companies develop a competitive edge in the market by investing in R&D: Cooperation Agreements, Technology Transfer and Licensing, Delivery of Complex Services, and Internal Technological Demands.


Cooperation Agreements: One of LNLS’s forms of interaction with the productive sector is the establishment of Cooperation Agreements between laboratory and industry to respond to complex issues raised by the client through the expertise of each LNLS researcher and the use of the laboratory’s unique infrastructure.

Technology Transfer and Licensing: Industry interaction can also occur through the transfer of innovative technologies, processes or products generated in the LNLS and the licensing of these technologies to partners.

Delivery of Complex Services: LNLS provides the industry with complex services typically not found in other research centers and/or universities. Even if a service is found elsewhere, the characteristics of the synchrotron light source and its experimental stations lead to significantly shorter response times.

Internal Technological Demands: Finally, the Laboratory also stimulates the development of technology in the industries by means of technological demands of equipment, devices and complex systems for maintenance of the current synchrotron light source, UVX, and for the construction of the new synchrotron light source, Sirius.


Research proposals from the private sector involving intellectual property or commercial use should be sent to:

Innovation Support Office
E-mail: inovacao@cnpem.br
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1174

Important: Industrial Users who wish to conduct their research in the Public Domain at the LNLS facilities follow the same process as Academic Users. To learn more, see Proposal Submission Process.


LNLS is one of the suppliers accredited by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) to pay for services using the BNDES card. It works as a credit card and allows companies to pay for the use of the experimental stations with facilitated conditions.

In order to have access to the benefit, the companies must be accredited as purchasers in the BNDES Card Operations Portal. The benefit is limited to companies with gross revenues up to $\rm R\$$ 90 million per year.