News | February 9th, 2021
Registrations are open for PALSA 2021 and AgroEnviro Workshop

Deadline for registrations and submission of abstracts is March 1st, 2021.

Registrations are now open for the online edition of the international PALSA 2021 and its satellite event, the 2nd AgroEnviro Workshop, to be held from April 12 to 16, 2021 via the Whova platform. Deadline for registrations and abstract submissions is March 1st, 2021.

The 2nd edition of PALSA – Pan American Light Sources for Agriculture will be held from April 14-16, 2021 and will include lectures, poster sessions and discussions on the use of synchrotron techniques applied to agriculture and environment.

The meeting will be preceded by the 2nd edition of the AgroEnviro Workshop from April 12-13, 2021. Aiming to enable new and experienced users, the satelite event will offer tutorials and demonstrations of data collection and processing obtained on Sirius beamlines.

Register at: https://pages.cnpem.br/palsa2021/


New understanding establishes parameters for a broad partnership in research of mutual interest, such as superconducting materials.

LNLS opens a call for proposals in other research areas for macromolecular crystallography experiments