The pulsed injection system is responsible for the process that allows the beam from the booster to be inserted in the storage ring. In this process, the injected beam must be added to the beam that is already stored in the ring. The current produced by the booster is just a small fraction of the desired current, requiring several injector pulses to reach the final operating current.
During normal operation of the ring, the injection system re-injects the current lost in the course of time due to the finite lifetime of the beam, maintaining practically constant the stored current. This mode of operation is known as top-up injection and requires that the injection process is very precise not to disturb the beam already stored in the ring. This is accomplished using pulsed magnets known as septa and kickers.
The septa are positioned in the region where the vacuum chamber of the transmission line that brings the beam from the booster and tangentially couples to the vacuum chamber of the storage ring. The septa produce a pulsed magnetic field that is strong on the region of the transmission line and drops to zero in a very short distance as not to affect the beam stored during the injection pulse. On the other hand, kickers produce a localized deflection of stored beam to pass near the orbit of the injected beam only during the injection process.
The injection mechanism requires a system responsible for synchronizing the various devices that are part of the injection system as a whole. This system should be capable of generating and distributing signals with temporal resolution smaller than 1 nanosecond, configurable pulse by pulse, with jitter of less than 1 picosecond RMS. The signals to be used to trigger events in both the source and in the beamlines.