11T Superconducting Magnet with He3 System


The establishment of this He3 11T superconducting magnet in the EMA beamline of the new Brazilian synchrotron light source, Sirius, fits in with the strategy of developing state-of-the-art experimental stations to study emerging phenomena in materials under extreme conditions of pressure, temperature and magnetic field, combining synchrotron techniques such as X-ray diffraction and absorption spectroscopy, with transport techniques such as resistivity and Hall effect measurements.

In particular, the ability to apply magnetic fields as high as 11T will allow the circular magnetic dichroism technique to be applied to low-magnetic-response materials, such as antiferromagnetic materials. In addition, with this new equipment it will be possible to measure quantum oscillations as a function of pressure to study the evolution of the Fermi surface of topologically protected materials.

This new multi-user equipment will expand the possibilities of studying electronic, magnetic, structural and transport properties of different types of materials (ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic, superconducting, heavy fermions, among others) under high pressures (up to 300GPa), high magnetic field (up to 11T) and low temperatures (up to 300mK), thus being crucial for the development of materials science research in Brazil.

Management plan: The equipment will be open to external users following the methodology already employed at LNLS.  For experiments connected to the EMA beamline that will use the EMU infrastructure as support, access will be granted after proposal submission (https://sauonline.lnls.br/duo/) and approval by the proposal review committee, within the adequate deadlines disclosed on the LNLS website. For experiments requiring use exclusively of the EMU equipment, a simplified research proposal (1 page) should be submitted via email to the manager researcher (ricardo.reis@lnls.br) for technical feasibility and scientific evaluation by the administrative and user committees respectively. Time will be allocated according to the operational availability of the facility.

Administrative Committee: Dr. Ricardo Donizeth dos Reis and Dr. Narcizo Marques de Souza-Neto.

Users Committe: Prof. Dr. Pascoal Paglliuso (IFGW-UNICAMP); Prof. Dr. Marcos Ávila (UFABC).

Current Status: The detailed design of the magnet was completed by Oxford in July 2019. The purchase process is expected to be completed by the end of September 2019. The manufacturing time for this machine is about 20 months, therefore we expect that this EMU will be open for users in the second semester of 2021.


Coordination: Ricardo D. dos Reis
Tel.: +55 19 3512 3505
E-mail: ricardo.reis@lnls.br

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