News | May 18th, 2022
Registrations are open for the 7th School of Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS School)

Apply from 18 May until 1st July.

Promoted by the LNLS/CNPEM, the 7th SAXS School will take place at Sirius, located at CNPEM campus in Campinas-SP, from September 17-20, 2022.

Aimed at post-graduate students and early career scientists, the SAXS School will be focusing on the scattering data analysis of biological systems, such as proteins and biomembranes.

The SAXS School is a satellite event part of the scientific activities of the SAS 2022 Conference. Students attending the SAS2022 will be exempt of registration fee.

Registrations until 1st July, 2022 at website.


Registrations are open until 30 May.