This call for proposals intends to supply beamtime for the users during the beamline commissioning period
The Sirius project has reached another milestone in commissioning its accelerators and beamlines. Five new beamlines are entering the scientific commissioning stage, completing the number of six beamlines available for the user community. In addition to the beamlines, we have officially also opened two support laboratories and the scientific computing center. These facilities were officially inaugurated during a ceremony on October 8th.
The list of available facilities is:
Learn more about the first available beamlines by clicking here.
Call for Proposal in Fast Track mode for commissioning experiments
This call for proposals intends to supply beamtime for the users during the beamline commissioning period. The beamlines are at different stages of technical commissioning. They have not reached the final configuration and target parameters, meaning that not all experiments are feasible and not all environmental conditions can be applied. Indeed, our intention, during this period of scientific commissioning, is to receive proposals from expert users for experiments that allow us to test the beamline and at the same time improve the current instrumentation for different types of samples of interest to the community.
The Fast Track modality is open for submissions in a continuous flux, without any interruption. The proposers must have previous experience using a synchrotron beamline, especially with the required technique.
For detailed beamline conditions, please consult the webpage and contact the beamline managers. Users can submit proposals through the SAU Online portal.
Evaluation and beamtime grants
An internal committee composed of the LNLS directorate, advised by beamline managers and scientific staff, is responsible for evaluating and prioritizing each beamline proposal.
The user team must be prepared to use the scheduled beam readily. Following the rules during the pandemics, only one researcher will be accepted during the experiments and eligible for financial support, independent of the origin in Latin America.
LNLS is developing courses with a focus on fundamental aspects for the use of the new beamlines
Applications with abstract submissions are until September 20, 2021.