News | January 31st, 2024
CNPEM opens registrations for a new edition of the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on 4th Generation Synchrotron Techniques

Applications will be accpeted until 15 April 2024 trought the event’s website.

Registrations are now open for the São Paulo School of Advanced Science on 4th Generation Synchrotron Techniques – SyncLight 2024, which will take place from October 14th to 25th, 2024, at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), in Campinas (SP).

Promoted by CNPEM and funded by the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), SyncLight 2024 aims to gather young researchers from Brazil and around the world to discuss the recent opportunities offered by advanced experimental synchrotron techniques available at Sirius, the Brazilian 4th generation light source.

Interested individuals should check the required documentation and register on the event’s webpage by April 15th, 2024.

Over the past decades, synchrotron light sources have played a significant role in the development of modern natural sciences and engineering. With a wide range of experimental techniques available, synchrotron light sources have revolutionized the way scientists study and characterize materials in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Health, Energy, New Materials, Environmental Sciences, and many others.

The course will bring together approximately 100 selected students, including recent graduates and young researchers from Master’s, PhD, and Postdoctoral programs, from institutions in Brazil and abroad. Over two weeks, these participants will attend lectures on a variety of topics, including an introduction to synchrotron accelerators and experimental techniques involving X-ray beams.

The interdisciplinary nature of the event, combined with the collaboration of the LNLS User Committee, which includes researchers from various institutions across Brazil, will contribute to the exchange of experiences among young researchers, professors, and experienced researchers. In addition to lectures, poster sessions, and guided tours at the facilities will also be organized. Tutorials on experiments conducted, demonstrations on the control of the accelerators, as well as data analysis and simulations taught by LNLS researchers, at the laboratory’s beamlines, are also planned.

The theme is particularly relevant to the Brazilian scientific scenario, as Sirius is one of the most modern and brilliant synchrotron light sources in the world. Currently, ten beamlines are open to the scientific and technological community, out of a set of 14 initially planned to cover a wide range of scientific programs. One of the objectives of SyncLight 2024 is precisely to assist in the training and formation of a new generation of user-researchers, capable of benefiting from this large scientific infrastructure in operation in Brazil.

SyncLight 2024 is part of the São Paulo School of Advanced Science (SPSAS) modality, funded by FAPESP, which provides resources to promote short courses in different areas of knowledge in the State of São Paulo. The course is free of charge and its official language is English. Approximately 100 participants will be selected, and funding for travel and accommodation throughout the course duration is available for foreigners and residents in Brazil, except for FAPESP scholarship holders and/or residents in Campinas, SP. Visit the event page for more information.


A sophisticated and effervescent environment for research and development, unique in Brazil and present in few scientific centers in the world, the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) is a private non-profit organization, under the supervision of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). The Center operates four National Laboratories and is the birthplace of the most complex project in Brazilian science – Sirius – one of the most advanced synchrotron light sources in the world. CNPEM brings together highly specialized multi-thematic teams, globally competitive laboratory infrastructures open to the scientific community, strategic lines of investigation, innovative projects in partnership with the productive sector and training of researchers and students. The Center is an environment driven by the search for solutions with impact in the areas of Health, Energy and Renewable Materials, Agro-environment, and Quantum Technologies. As of 2022, with the support of the Ministry of Education (MEC), CNPEM expanded its activities with the opening of the Ilum School of Science. The interdisciplinary higher course in Science, Technology and Innovation adopts innovative proposals with the aim of offering excellent, free, full-time training with immersion in the CNPEM research environment. Through the CNPEM 360 Platform, it is possible to explore, in a virtual and immersive way, the main environments and activities of the Center, visit: https://pages.cnpem.br/cnpem360/.


The Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials will host selected participants in the Summer Scholarships, Sirius School for High School Teachers, and Future Scientists programs

Verônica Teixeira, a researcher at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light National Laboratory (LNLS/CNPEM), was one of seven professionals recognized as part of L'Oréal Brasil's initiative “Para Mulheres na Ciência” [For Women in Science]