Humanity’s ability to create more resistant and lighter electronic devices, sensors and materials is closely connected to the knowledge accumulated over many years of fundamental and applied research on how electrons organize themselves between chemical bonds and move according to laws of quantum mechanics applied to condensed matter. As new measuring instruments and theoretical models are developed, new electrical and magnetic properties are unveiled and proposed, expanding the knowledge about condensed matter, including the so-called quantum materials.
Synchrotron light experiments allow us to unveil several structural and dynamic microscopic aspects of how electrons are organized in quantum materials. In particular, the Condensed Matter and Materials Science Division develops and operates experimental stations and support laboratories that allow to unveil new structural and electronic phases of matter in extreme thermodynamic conditions of temperature, pressure and magnetic fields in the EMA beamline, explore the microscopic origins of unconventional magnetic states of matter in the SABIÁ beamline, observe how electron occupation occurs in electronic band structures in the SAPÊ beamline or even how chemical bonds are formed and how collective quantum excitations in materials are propagated in the IPÊ line.