The 1st annual AgroEnviro Workshop – Applications of Synchrotron Radiation for Foundational Science in Agricultural and Environmental Research – will be held on 20 and 21 May, 2020 at the brand new Sirius building of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), located at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) in Campinas, state of São Paulo, in Brazil. The aim of the workshop is to motivate scientists from diverse regions of Brazil to utilize the highly advanced 4th generation synchrotron, Sirius, to address fundamental science questions for solving agricultural and environmental problems of concern in Brazil.
The aim of the Cateretê workshop is to present and discuss the new scientific perspectives offered at the Coherent Scattering beamline Cateretê, specifically X-ray imaging and time-resolved capabilities. The Cateretê beamline at Sirius will be dedicated to coherent and time-resolved scattering experiments. It will provide cutting edge research tools that are non-existent today in Brasil, like 3D imaging with 10’s nanometer resolution, X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) to study dynamics and ultra-small angle X-ray scattering.
The 29th Annual Users’ Meeting (RAU) aims to gather the LNLS user community, encouraging the exchange of experiences and debates on the existing and future facilities. It is an important forum for discussion, evaluation and presentation of proposals for the improvement of the research structures. With the imminent inauguration Sirius, the new Brazilian synchrotron light source, the participation of the scientific community becomes essential to describe their needs and expectations for the new synchrotron source. The RAU meeting is the ideal place to foster this debate.
The first CARNAÚBA Workshop will bring together the LNLS community – external users, staff scientists and engineers – and experts working in the field of X-ray spectroscopy, diffraction and imaging at leading facilities around the world to present and discuss the new scientific opportunities offered by X-ray nanoprobes with scanning energy capabilities.
WIRMS 2019 will be held in Brazil, and promoted by the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS/CNPEM), from the September 23rd to 28th , 2019. The workshop will highlight the latest advances in infrared spectroscopy and imaging inside synchrotron and free electron laser facilities. The event will gather around 100 participants including infrared spectroscopy experts in several modalities such as ultra-resolved chemical imaging, vibrational analysis at extreme environments, THz spectroscopy, new infrared sources and detectors, time-resolved chemical analysis, infrared spectral-tomography among others.