Promoted by the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), the 4th AgroEnviro Workshop – Connecting Synchrotron Research to Higher-Scale Problem Solving in agricultural and environmental systems – will be held from September 23 to 24, 2024, at Sirius - CNPEM, in Campinas, SP, Brazil.
The workshop will bring together experienced and early-career scientists with interest and expertise in critical topics in agro-environmental sciences. The objective of the 4th AgroEnviro edition is to identify unanswered questions about major agro-environmental issues related to food security and climate change that can be explored using highly advanced 4th generation synchrotrons, such as Sirius. The event aims to motivate scientists from various regions of Brazil to use open facilities to address fundamental scientific challenges in agriculture and the environment.
The registration and abstract submission period runs until August 18, 2024.The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) will hold the 34th LNLS Annual Users' Meeting (RAU) from November 6 to 7. In addition, four satellite workshops will take place on November 4, 5, and 8. The event will be held at Sirius, located on the CNPEM campus in Campinas-SP.
The RAU is an important forum for discussions and information exchange among LNLS users and scientists, along with invited international researchers. The RAU aims to bring together researchers who use LNLS scientific instrumentation to conduct cutting-edge experiments in areas such as Materials Science, Health and Pharmacology, Environmental Science, Energy, Biotechnology, X-Ray Imaging, Oil and Gas, and Chemistry. In this context, the meeting provides a critical space for evaluating and presenting proposals to improve research facilities and currently available instrumentation. Additionally, the RAU also serves as a platform for identifying the technical-scientific needs and expectations of the Brazilian and international scientific community regarding Sirius, the Brazilian synchrotron light source.
At the 34th RAU, candidates can request assistance for transportation and accommodation through the registration form. Check the rules for requesting assistance on the event website.
The registration period runs until September 23, and the abstract submission period until August 29. Attention: The abstract submission period for candidates requesting assistance runs until August 5.The ENVIRO 2016 is putting on workshops that will cover present-day topics on emerging themes on agri-environmental sciences where synchrotron radiation has found groove. It will be held in 2 days and devoted to a multidisciplinary audience, namely: Rhizosphere Sciences and Biofortification of Staple Food Crops on day 1, and Air and Water Chemistry on day 2.
PCaPAC (Personal Computers and Particle Accelerator Controls) 2016 will be held by LNLS, in Campinas, Brazil. PCaPAC traditionally focuses on low-cost control systems using PC technology for control & data acquisition systems and emerging technologies. Topics covered include: Control systems, User interfaces and Data Displays, Cyber security, Hardware technologies, Modern Data Acquisition, Management of Software projects, Databases.
The LNLS 26th Annual Users’ Meeting (RAU) will take place on August 24th and 25th, 2015, in Campinas, Brazil. RAU has the objective of encouraging debates, the exchange of experiences and the integration of the LNLS user community. It is an important forum for discussion, evaluation and presentation of proposals for the improvement of the research structures and of the scientific instrumentation available at the synchrotron light source. The meeting represents also an opportunity for the exchange of information about the research carried out at the facilities.
The 5th School on X-Ray Spectroscopy Methods will be held at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, between August 22nd and 23rd, 2016, just before the LNLS Annual User’s Meeting (RAU), as a satellite event. This school will focus on the fundamentals of x-ray spectroscopy methods, data analysis and its applications. This year will be more focused on Soft X-rays.
The 1st User Workshop on Coherent X-ray Imaging and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (Cateretê Workshop) will be held at the LNLS, on May 5th and 6th, 2016. The aim of this workshop is to present and discuss the science that could be conducted at the Coherent Diffractive Imaging beamline Cateretê, one of the first experimental stations to be operational in 2019 at Sirius, the new fourth generation synchrotron currently under construction.