The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM) will hold the 34th LNLS Annual Users' Meeting (RAU) from November 6 to 7. In addition, four satellite workshops will take place on November 4, 5, and 8. The event will be held at Sirius, located on the CNPEM campus in Campinas-SP.
The RAU is an important forum for discussions and information exchange among LNLS users and scientists, along with invited international researchers. The RAU aims to bring together researchers who use LNLS scientific instrumentation to conduct cutting-edge experiments in areas such as Materials Science, Health and Pharmacology, Environmental Science, Energy, Biotechnology, X-Ray Imaging, Oil and Gas, and Chemistry. In this context, the meeting provides a critical space for evaluating and presenting proposals to improve research facilities and currently available instrumentation. Additionally, the RAU also serves as a platform for identifying the technical-scientific needs and expectations of the Brazilian and international scientific community regarding Sirius, the Brazilian synchrotron light source.
At the 34th RAU, candidates can request assistance for transportation and accommodation through the registration form. Check the rules for requesting assistance on the event website.
The registration period runs until September 23, and the abstract submission period until August 29. Attention: The abstract submission period for candidates requesting assistance runs until August 5.The workshop on Groundwater Remediation using Nano/biotechnology with focus on the Contaminated Resources in Brazil (GRUN) is jointly organized by Teesside University (UK) and the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS/CNPEM). This event will be held from June 24th and 25th, 2019, at the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), in Campinas, SP. This workshop will be the first event in Brazil focusing on the use of metal nanoparticles for in-situ degradation of groundwater contaminates. The conference will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and engineers to collectively explore how these technological advances can be applied to Brazilian groundwater systems. On June 26th an extra hands-on course will be offered exclusively to 20 participants based on selection by the Organizing Committee.
The aim of the Cateretê workshop is to present and discuss the new scientific perspectives offered at the Coherent Scattering beamline Cateretê, specifically X-ray imaging and time-resolved capabilities. The Cateretê beamline at Sirius will be dedicated to coherent and time-resolved scattering experiments. It will provide cutting edge research tools that are non-existent today in Brasil, like 3D imaging with 10’s nanometer resolution, X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy (XPCS) to study dynamics and ultra-small angle X-ray scattering.
Organized by the Brazilian Physics Society (SBF) and LNLS, the first edition of Synchrotron School For High School Teachers (ESPEM) will discuss ideas on how to introduce modern physics into high school classrooms. The School will consist of lectures and computational demonstrations, round tables with the researchers and visits at Sirius, the new Brazilian Synchrotron Light Source, and otherfacilities. Also, the meeting aims to gather teachers from several Brazilian states, encouraging the exchange of experiences with LNLS researchers.
The Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory 28th Annual Users’ Meeting (RAU) will take place from November 6th to 9th, 2018, at the campus of the Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), in Campinas, SP. In addition to the standard program, the 28th RAU includes 3 different satellite meetings. The Annual Users Meeting (RAU) brings together researchers using the infrastructure of the LNLS to conduct their research in order to evaluate scientific results and discuss issues relevant to the development of the institution.
The Workshops in Power Converters for Particle Accelerators (POCPA) are organized every two years and are devoted to the specific field of Power Converters for Particle Accelerators. It aims to group specialists in this field from the particle accelerator laboratories worldwide for a two-day meeting and to organize a true round-table on selected topics, as well as status reports from laboratories. The 6th POCPA Workshop, which will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first edition, will be hosted by Brazilian Sincrotron Light Laboratoy (LNLS), from September 24th to 26th, 2018. In this meeting, the main topic will be “Efficiency and Integration with Other Systems.