
Sirius is one of the most advanced synchrotron light sources in the world. The beamlines are the experimental stations where the materials are analyzed. They are like complex microscopes that focus the synchrotron radiation so that it illuminates the samples being studied and allowing the observation of their microscopic properties. Curious? Click here to learn more!

The Sirius beamlines, named after Brazilian fauna and flora, are designed to house advanced scientific instrumentation, suitable for solving Brazilian development’s strategic areas. The lightsource can house up to 38 beamlines (from bending magnets and insertion devices), six of which are between 100 and 150 meters long, extending outside the main building experimental hall. Initially, a set of 14 beamlines is being installed to cover a wide variety of scientific programs. Of these, ten beamlines have already been delivered and are open to the scientific and industrial communities. Another four beamlines are in different stages of construction or commissioning.

Check out below technical information and the status of the beamlines and other facilities which are part of Sirius synchrotron light source.


  • Ariranha
  • X-ray Instrumentation
  • 5 - 25 keV
  • -
  • Design

The Ariranha (Advanced Research on Instrumentation for Photon Beams) beamline will be dedicated to research and development of new instruments, such as optical systems, optomechanics, diagnostics, detectors, and sample environments for synchrotron light research. It will enable the exploration of new techniques and testing of developments from both internal and external institutions, featuring versatile motion and goniometry stages that facilitate new experiments proposed by the user community.

Facility E-mail: ariranha@lnls.br

  • Carnaúba
  • X-Ray Nanoscopy
  • 2.05 - 15 keV
  • 06-ID
  • Open

CARNAÚBA (Coherent X-rAy NAnoprobe BeAmline) is the longest beamline of the Sirius with 143 meters between the light source and the sample environment, which allows  a high optical demagnification and to reach nanometric spatial resolutions.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3518 2364
Facility E-mail: carnauba@lnls.br

Coordination: Rodrigo Szostak
Tel.: +55 19 3517 5156
E-mail: rodrigo.szostak@lnls.br

Project leader: Hélio Tolentino
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1298
E-mail: helio.tolentino@lnls.br

  • Cateretê
  • Coherent and Time-resolsed X-ray Scattering
  • 3 - 24 keV
  • 07-ID
  • Open

The CATERETÊ (Coherent And TimE REsolved ScatTEring) beamline will provide unique capabilities in biological and soft materials imaging and dynamics experiments with particular focus on the application of coherent X-ray scattering and diffraction techniques.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3518 2349
Facility E-mail: caterete@lnls.br

Coordination: Florian E. P. Meneau
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1132
E-mail: florian.meneau@lnls.br

  • Cedro
  • Circular Dichroism
  • 3 - 9 eV
  • 17-B2
  • Open

CeDRO (Circular DichROism Beamline) is a beamline dedicated to Circular Dichroism (CD) spectroscopy in the ultraviolet region. This spectroscopy is applied to the structural analysis of chiral molecules, including biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Proteins are extensively studied by CD to quantify their secondary structure content and to analyze folding, stability and interactions in solution.

Facility E-mail: cedro@lnls.br

Coordination: Juliana S. Yoneda
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1045
E-mail: juliana.yoneda@lnls.br

  • Ema
  • X-ray Spectroscopy e Diffraction in Extreme Conditions
  • 2.7 - 30 keV
  • 08-ID
  • Open

The EMA (Extreme condition Methods of Analysis) beamline is planned to make a difference where a high brilliance (high flux of up to 1×1014 photons/sec with beamsize down to 0.1×0.1 μm2) is essential, as is the case with the study of materials under extreme thermodynamic (pressure, temperature and magnetic field) conditions.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3518 2448
Facility E-mail: ema@lnls.br

Coordination: Ricardo D. dos Reis
Tel.: +55 19 3512 3505
E-mail: ricardo.reis@lnls.br

  • Hibisco
  • In Vivo Hard X-ray Phase-Contrast Microtomography
  • 16 a 45 keV
  • -
  • Design

The Hibisco (High-energy Beamline for In-vivo animal COmputed tomography) beamline will support studies on high-biosafety pathogens, enabling therapy testing and disease monitoring in small animal models with synchronized imaging.

Facility E-mail: hibisco@lnls.br

  • Imbuia
  • Infrared Micro and Nanospectroscopy
  • 550 - 3500 cm-1
  • 07-B2
  • Open

IMBUIA (Infrared Multiscale Beamline for Ultra-resolved Imaging Applications) is a beamline dedicated to experiments in micro and nano-infrared spectroscopy in the medium IR range. These experiments allow for compositional analysis of virtually any material and are essential for the research in new materials, with emphasis on biological and synthetic materials.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3517 5157
Facility E-mail: imbuia@lnls.br

Coordination: Raul de O. Freitas
Tel.: +55 19 3517 5060
E-mail: raul.freitas@lnls.br

  • Ipê
  • Resonant Inelastic X-ray scattering and Photoelectron spectroscopy
  • 100 - 2000 eV
  • 11-ID
  • Open

IPÊ (Inelastic scattering and PhotoElectron spectroscopy) is beamline optimized for high-resolution Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering (RIXS) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) applied to the study of the chemical composition, electronic structure and elementary excitations in solids and molecular systems.

Facility E-mail: ipe@lnls.br

Coordination: Tulio C. R. Rocha
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1292
E-mail: tulio.rocha@lnls.br

  • Jatobá
  • Full X-ray Scattering and PDF Analysis
  • 40 - 70 keV
  • 14-BC
  • Assembly

The JATOBÁ beamline is being built to produce a high-energy, high-photon flux beam focused on micrometric dimensions and will be dedicated to the study of a wide range of materials using the full X-ray scattering technique.

Facility E-mail: jatoba@lnls.br

Project Coordination: Helio Tolentino and Rodrigo Szostak

  • Manacá
  • Macromolecular Micro and Nanocrystallography
  • 5 - 20 keV
  • 09-ID
  • Open

MANACÁ (MAcromolecular micro and NAnoCrystAllography) is the first macromolecular crystallography beamline of Sirius and is optimized for micrometric and sub-micrometric focus. The project includes two experimental stations with beams of 10×7 to 100×80 micrometers (micro station) and 0.5×0.5 micrometers (nano station). The micro station is operating and is dedicated to studies of the three-dimensional structures of macromolecules and small molecules. The small and intense beam of Sirius allows the study of challenging structures such as viruses, protein-protein complexes, protein-ligand and natural products. Room temperature and remote experiments are available.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3517 5170
Facility E-mail: manaca@lnls.br

Coordination: Andrey F. Z. Nascimento
Tel.: +55 19 3518 2325
E-mail: andrey.nascimento@lnls.br

  • Mogno
  • X-ray Micro- and Nanotomography
  • 22 | 39 | 67.5 keV
  • 10-BC
  • Open

The Mogno beamline is dedicated to obtaining three-dimensional images of different materials, in multiscale, in a fast, non-invasive way.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3512 1142
Facility E-mail: mogno@lnls.br

Coordination: Nathaly L. Archilha
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1281
E-mail: nathaly.archilha@lnls.br

  • Paineira
  • Powder X-ray Diffraction
  • 5 - 30 keV
  • 14-ID
  • Open

PAINEIRA (Powder X-ray Diffraction) is a beamline optimized for the X-ray diffraction of polycrystalline materials in Debye-Scherrer geometry (capillary geometry or transmission mode). The beamline aims primarily at the structural characterization of materials in the powder form, such as ceramics, pharmaceuticals, minerals, catalysts, amongst others. The beamline will operate in high-throughput mode to rapidly characterize numerous samples. In addition, PAINEIRA offers reaction cells and accessories for conducting experiments under in situ and operando conditions to studies on functional materials and devices for energy storage and catalysis, for example.

Facility E-mail: paineira@lnls.br

Coordination: Cristiane B. Rodella
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1040
E-mail: cristiane.rodella@lnls.br

  • Pitanga
  • Near-Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoemission
  • 250 - 2000 eV
  • -
  • Design

The Pitanga beamline (Photoabsorption and emIssion specTroscopies At Near Ambient Pressure) will provide soft X-rays ranging from 250 to 2000 eV, ideal for studying the chemical state of light elements and transition metals using NAPXPS. This technique will focus on elemental composition and speciation in solids and liquids, allowing interfacial studies under various conditions. The Pitanga beamline will offer these in situ experiments for materials such as catalysts, thin films, and biomaterials.

Facility E-mail: pitanga@lnls.br

  • Quati
  • X-ray Spectroscopy with Temporal Resolution
  • 4.5 - 35 keV
  • 13-BM
  • Assembly

The QUATI (Quick X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy for Time and space resolved experiments) beamline will be dedicated to high-quality X-ray absorption spectroscopy experiments, with temporal and spatial resolution on a millisecond scale and in situ conditions.

Facility E-mail: quati@lnls.br

Coordination: Amelie C. Rochet
Tel.: +55 19 3517 5180
E-mail: amelie.rochet@lnls.br

  • Quiriquiri
  • Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction
  • 5 - 50 keV
  • -
  • Design

The Quiriquiri (Quantum cRystallography and Q-space high-Resolution Beamline) beamline will enable high-resolution crystallographic analyses in charge density maps, facilitating quantum crystallography. It will monitor small structural modifications in crystalline materials and phase transitions under external stimuli, enhancing the understanding of the mechanisms governing the functionality and physical properties of materials.

Facility E-mail: quiriquiri@lnls.br

  • Sabiá
  • Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Imaging
  • 100 - 2000 eV
  • 10-ID
  • Open

The SABIÁ (Soft X-ray ABsorption spectroscopy and ImAging) beam line operates in the soft X-rays region using undulators to provide polarization control and plane gratings for monochromatization. The main techniques available are X-rays absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM).

Facility E-mail: sabia@lnls.br

Coordination: Julio C. Cezar
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1292
E-mail: julio.cezar@lnls.br

  • Sapê
  • Angle-Resolved PhotoEmission Spectroscopy
  • 8 - 70 eV
  • 13-B2
  • Assembly

SAPÊ (Angle-resolved PhotoEmission) is a beamline dedicated to angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) experiments, with high energy and momentum resolution, in the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) spectrum range. Such experiments allow the analysis of the electronic structure of crystalline materials and are an essential tool for the study of the frontier of new materials, with special emphasis on topological materials and 2D materials. 

Facility E-mail: sape@lnls.br

Coordination: Wendell S. E. Silva
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1042
E-mail: wendell.silva@lnls.br

  • Sapucaia
  • Small Angle X-ray Scattering
  • 6 - 17 keV
  • 17-ID
  • Commissioning

SAPUCAIA will be a beamline dedicated to Small-Angle X-ray Scattering technique (SAXS). SAXS is a structural characterization technique used to study the morphological (shape, size, and spatial organization) and dynamical properties of nano- and micro-structured objects. It is a well-established technique, having application in a wide variety of research fields such as in physics, chemistry, biology, and engineering.

Facility E-mail: sapucaia@lnls.br

Coordination: Leandro R. S. Barbosa
E-mail: leandro.barbosa@lnls.br

  • Sibipiruna
  • Cryo-nanotomography by Soft X-ray Absorption Contrast
  • 0,30 a 0,75 keV
  • -
  • Design

The Sibipiruna (Soft x-ray bio-Imaging Beamline with Partially coherent Illumination for Resolving cellular Ultra-structure in Nanometers) beamline will be dedicated to soft X-ray tomography for ex vivo imaging with nanometric resolution, enabling mesoscale investigations of cellular organelles at various stages of the cell life cycle, especially following infection by biosafety level 3 and 4 pathogens.

Facility E-mail: sibipiruna@lnls.br

  • Sussuarana
  • X-ray Diffraction and Imaging at High Energy
  • 30 - 200 keV
  • -
  • Design

The Sussuarana (Synthesis, Strain/Stress, Additive manufacturing, and in-situ high energy material ANAlysis) beamline will enable high-energy X-ray studies for materials science, metallurgy, and engineering, focusing on large-scale materials testing under realistic conditions.

Facility E-mail: sussuarana@lnls.br

  • Tatu
  • Terahertz Nanospectroscopy
  • 12 - 62 meV
  • -
  • Assembly

Tatu (Terahertz and fAr-infrared Tip-enhanced Ultramicroscopy) is a beamline dedicated to synchrotron spectroscopy and imaging in the long-wave infrared range, allowing in-depth analysis of phenomena such as optical conductivity, nanotransistor doping, and plasmonics in topological insulators.

Facility E-mail: tatu@lnls.br

  • Teiú
  • Tender X-ray Microscopy
  • 1 - 10 keV
  • -
  • Design

The Teiú (TEnder X-Ray Spectromicroscopy for In-sitU Experiments) beamline will be dedicated to X-ray microscopy with submicrometric focus, covering the 1 to 10 keV range for in situ studies of structural and chemical dynamics in multielement materials. Focused on the absorption edges of elements such as silicon and copper, it is relevant for soil studies, plant nutrition, polymers, and environmental pollution analysis.

Facility E-mail: teiu@lnls.br

  • Timbó
  • Coherent X-ray Phase Contrast Cryo-Nanotomography
  • 5 - 20 keV
  • -
  • Design

The Timbó beamline will enable high-resolution 3D X-ray micro- and nanotomography of organs and tissues using coherent X-ray diffraction in the 2-20 keV range, with holographic and far-field modes.

Facility E-mail: timbo@lnls.br

  • Biological Samples Laboratory (LAB)
  • Open

The Biological Samples Laboratory (LAB) aims to support the preparation of a variety of biological samples, since simple biological materials, even cell culture and human fluid manipulation. LAB is located on axis 39-40, next to Cateretê beamline.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3512 1183
Facility E-mail: maiara.terra@lnls.br

  • Chemistry Laboratory (LQ)
  • Open

In the Chemistry Laboratory (LQ), internal and external users will have access to supplies and infrastructure for handling any reagents and/or chemical samples.

Coordination: Simone B. Betim
Tel.: +55 19 3518 3181
E-mail: simone.betim@lnls.br

  • Cryogenic sample preparation laboratory (LCRIO)
  • Open

The cryogenic sample preparation laboratory (LCRIO) aims to support the preparation of samples of soft and biological materials at room temperature, at low temperatures (-30°C) and cryogenic temperatures (-180°C), to preserve its native structure and composition during the Sirius’ beamlines experiments.

Contact: Carla Cristina Polo
Tel.: +55 19 3512 5193
E-mail: carla.polo@lnls.br

  • Open

The Environmental Sciences Laboratory (LCA) is dedicated to the manipulation and preparation of environmental samples that are studied in the Sirius beamlines, of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS).

CoordinationVerônica C. Teixeira

Tel. : +55 19 3517 5081

E-mail: veronica.teixeira@lnls.br

  • Extreme Thermodynamic Conditions Laboratory (LCTE)
  • Open

The Extreme Thermodynamic Conditions Laboratory (LCTE) is dedicated to the development of scientific instrumentation and for supporting of experiments on Sirius beamlines, in which the sample environment mainly involves high pressure, magnetic field, and variations of temperature.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3512 3570

Coordination: Danusa do Carmo
Tel.: +55 19 3518 3524
E-mail: danusa.carmo@lnls.br

  • Microscopic Samples Laboratory (LAM)
  • Open

The Laboratory of Microscopic Samples (LAM) acts as a support laboratory for the beamlines, focused on the preparation of advanced samples using electron and optical microscopy techniques.

Facility Tel.: +55 19 3517 5140

Coordination: Ingrid D. Barcelos
Tel.: +55 19 3518 2517
E-mail: ingrid.barcelos@lnls.br

  • Nanobio Laboratory (LNB)
  • Open

The Nanobio Laboratory (LNB) offers assistance in preparing samples for research focused on exploring the interaction between nanomaterials and biomolecules. The LNB is situated on axis 40, adjacent to the Cateretê beamline.

Contact: Flavia Elisa Galdino
Tel.: +55 19 3512 1184
E-mail: flavia.galdino@lnls.br

MULTI-USER EQUIPMENT FUNDED BY FAPESP (2018/19497-6) The establishment of this He3 11T superconducting magnet in the EMA beamline of the new Brazilian synchrotron light source, Sirius, fits in with the strategy of developing state-of-the-art experimental stations to study emerging phenomena in materials under extreme conditions of pressure, temperature and magnetic field, combining synchrotron techniques such […]

Coordination: Ricardo D. dos Reis
Tel.: +55 19 3512 3505
E-mail: ricardo.reis@lnls.br

MULTIUSER EQUIPMENT (EMU) FUNDED BY FAPESP (2019/14017-9) Near Field Optical Instrumentation Components and Accessories: Custom s-SNOM nanoscope optimized for operation with IR-THZ synchrotron THz Detector THz model QNbB/3(3+GEGA+XBI) with 3 elements sensors Far-IR CW Laser tunable Schotick barrier THz detector Fast encoder for spectroscopy reference stage Set of photoconductive antennas (PCA) for THz emission/detection Scattering-type […]

Coordination: Raul de O. Freitas
Tel.: +55 19 3517 5060
E-mail: raul.freitas@lnls.br

MULTI-USER EQUIPMENT FUNDED BY FAPESP (2014/05480-3) This project fits in with the strategy of developing state-of-the-art experimental stations on the UVX synchrotron light source. In particular, the ability to study any type of material (magnetic, superconducting, geological, biological, etc.) under extreme pressure, magnetic field, and temperature conditions with versatile instrumentation will be crucial to broadly […]

Coordination: Ricardo D. dos Reis
Tel.: +55 19 3512 3505
E-mail: ricardo.reis@lnls.br

MULTIUSER EQUIPMENT (EMU) FUNDED BY FAPESP (2019/14017-9) Components of the illumination unit: 1.     Optical table for s-SNOM combining lasers and synchrotron 2.     Illumination units VIS-NIR (540-860 nm) for s-SNOM 3.     Illumination unit broadband mid-IR laser type DFG for nano-FTIR 3.1.  mid-IR MCT detectors 25 µm chip 3.2.  mid-IR MCT detectors 50 µm chip 3.3.  Mid-to-far IR broadband polarizers Scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy (s-SNOM) is a new modality of ultramicroscopy which allows for the analysis of infrared […]

Coordination: Raul de O. Freitas
Tel.: +55 19 3517 5060
E-mail: raul.freitas@lnls.br

MULTI-USER EQUIPMENT APPROVED BY FAPESP (2017/23050-4) Heterogeneous catalysts’ properties are dependent on dynamic changes of the catalyst surface: modifications at the atomic level induce changes of the chemical properties. They may change their structure depending on the local reaction conditions. That is why it is crucial to have a better comprehension of the structure-function relationships […]

Coordination: Amelie C. Rochet
Tel.: +55 19 3517 5180
E-mail: amelie.rochet@lnls.br